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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button ley dee mo hay kay hou ging tung chung lui haai mut? 呢啲武器嘅口径同种类係乜?
Play Button How large was the rifle? Play Button jee loi fook cheung yau gay daai? 支来福枪有几大?
Play Button Did the rifle have a scope? Play Button jee loi fook cheung yau mo yuan see gang gar? 支来福枪有冇远视镜嫁?
Play Button Was any part of the weapon made of wood? Play Button dee mo hay yau mo been do haai yung muk jo gar? 啲武器有冇边度係用木造嫁?
Play Button Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded? How large was the magazine? Play Button jee cheung jeep jok bok tau geh bo waai hor yee jeep duk maai mah? 支枪接触膊头嘅部位可以摺得埋吗?
Play Button How large was the magazine? Play Button gor jee dahn hup yau gay daai ah? 个子弹盒有几大呀?
Play Button Was other equipment added to the weapon? Play Button gin mo hay yau mo foo gar geh chong bay gar? 件武器有冇附加嘅装备嫁?
Play Button What other equipment was near the weapon? Play Button dee mo hay foo gun yau mut yeh kay tar geh chong bay ah? 啲武器附近有乜嘢其它嘅装备呀?
Play Button What was the size of the pistol? Play Button jee saow cheung haai mut yeh chek chuen ah? 支手枪係乜嘢尺寸呀?
Play Button What special equipment was added to the pistol? Play Button yau mo yeh duk beet geh chong bay on haai jee saow cheung do ah? 有乜嘢特别嘅装备安喺支手枪度呀?
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