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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button chung mo hay geh hou ging tung maai chung lui haai mut ah? 种武器嘅口径同埋种类係乜呀?
Play Button Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? Play Button ley jee haai m haai jik jeep tse gik geh mo hay, ho chee loi fook cheung wak haai fo jeen tung gum yeung? 呢支係吾係直接射击嘅武器,好似来福枪或係火箭筒咁样?
Play Button Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? Play Button ley jee haai m haai gan jeep tse gik geh mo hay, ho chee bik gik pau wah haai daai pau gum yeung? 呢支係吾係间接射击嘅武器,好似迫击炮或係大炮咁样?
Play Button Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? Play Button chung mo hay haai m haai on haai sam girk gar do gar? 种武器係吾係安喺三脚 架度嫁?
Play Button How many personnel operated this specific weapon? Play Button yau gay dor yan tso jog ley gin duk bit mo hay ah? 有几多人操作呢件特别武器呀?
Play Button Where and when did you see this weapon? Play Button lay haai been do tung maai gay see gin gwor ley gin mo hay ah? 你喺边度同埋几时见过呢件武器呀?
Play Button What was the approximate size of the projectile? Play Button ley gor pau dahn daai yerk yau gay daai ah? 呢个炮弹大约有几大呀?
Play Button Has the weapon been modified in any way? Play Button gin mo hay yau mo goi chong gwor ah? 件武器有冇改装过呀?
Play Button How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy in training) Play Button gin mo hay geh tso jog yan yuen geh chun kok sing yau gay go ah? (yau mo sou gwor fun leen ah) 件武器嘅操作人员嘅准确性有几高呀?(有冇受过训练呀)
Play Button Was the crew accurate? Play Button dee tso jog yan yuen chun kok mah? 啲操作人员准确吗?
Play Button How was the crew trained? Play Button dee tso jog yan yuen haai dim yeung fun leen gar? 啲操作人员係点样训练嫁?
Play Button What identifying marks were on the weapon? Play Button mo hay seung meen yau mut yeh sik bit geh gay ho ah? 武器上面有乜嘢识别嘅记号呀?
Play Button How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? Play Button ley gin mo hay fat tse geh chuk do yau gay faai ah? mui fun chung gay dor fat (jee dahn) ah? 呢件武器发射嘅速度有几快呀?每分钟几多发 (子弹)呀?
Play Button Did the crew perform barrel changes? Play Button tso jog yan yuen chun heng gwor chak sik cheung guan on chong mah? 操作人员进行过拆卸枪管安装吗?
Play Button Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? Play Button pau saow yau mo mo sin din wah wak jair mong yuan gang ah? 炮手有冇无线电话或者望运镜呀?
Play Button What else can you tell me about this weapon system? Play Button lay chung hor yee gong dee mut yeh kwan yu ley to mo haai haai tung geh yeh bay ngah teng ah? 你重可以讲啲乜嘢关于呢套武器系统嘅嘢比我听呀?
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