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Play Button What is the type and name of the boat? Play Button jak suen haai mut yeh chung lui tung maai meng ah? 只船係乜嘢种类同名呀?
Play Button What weapons are mounted on the boat? Play Button yau dee mut yeh mo hay chong haai jak suen seung meen ah? 有啲乜嘢武器装喺只船上面呀?
Play Button Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? Play Button jak suen haai gwan fong ding haai mun ying jai jo seung jo gar? 只船係军方定係民营制造商造嫁?
Play Button Does this boat belong to the military? Play Button ley jak suen haai m haai suk yu gwan fong gar? 呢只船係吾係属于军方嫁?
Play Button What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? Play Button yau mut yeh sik bit gay ho haai jak suen seung meen ah? mo hay lair? chong bay lair? 有乜嘢识别记号喺只船上面呀?武器呢?装备呢?
Play Button Is there a communication mast on the boat? Play Button suen seung yau mo tung sun gon ah? 船上有冇通讯杆呀?
Play Button Where and when did you last observe this boat? Play Button lay chui hou haai been do tung maai gay see gin gwor ley jak suen ah? 你最后喺边度同埋几时见过呢只船呀?
Play Button Did another boat support and protect this boat? Play Button yau mo ling oi yat jak suen jee wun tung maai yim wu ley jak suen ah? 有冇另外一只船支援同埋掩护呢只船呀?
Play Button Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? Play Button suen daai haai yuen ding haai ping gar? 船底係圆定係平嫁?
Play Button Where is the vehicle stored? Play Button jak wan se gung gui sout maai haai been do ah? 只运输工具收埋喺边度呀?
Play Button Are there any armored or reinforced parts on the boat? Play Button suen seung meen yau mo chong garp wah jair gar keung jor geh bo fan ah? 船上面有冇装甲或者加强咗嘅部份呀?
Play Button What else can you tell me about this boat? Play Button lay chung yau mut gwan yu ley jak suen geh yeh hor yee wah bay ngah jee ah? 你重有乜关于呢只船嘅嘢可以话比我知呀?
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