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Play Button Where and when did you observe the IED? Play Button lay haai been do tung maai gay see gin gwor gor jik see bau jar chong jee ah? 你喺边度同埋几时见过个即时爆炸装置呀?
Play Button Who emplaced the IED? Play Button haai been gor on go jik see bau jar chong jee gar? 係边个安个即时爆炸装置嫁?
Play Button How is the IED detonated? Play Button gor jik see bau jar chong jee haai dim yeung yun bau gar? 个即时爆炸装置係点样引爆嫁?
Play Button What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? Play Button gor bau jar chong jee lui meen yau been gay chung fo yerk ah? 个爆炸装置里面有边 几种火药呀?
Play Button Is this IED located in a vehicle? Play Button gor jik see bau jar chong jee haai m haai haai gar chey do ah? 个即时爆炸装置係吾係喺嫁车度呀?
Play Button Where is the owner of this vehicle? Play Button ley gar chey geh chey jui haai been do ah? 呢架车嘅车主喺边度呀?
Play Button Who made the IED? Play Button haai been gor jaai jo gor jik see bau jar chong jee gar? 係边个製造个即时爆炸装置嫁?
Play Button Where was the IED built? Play Button gor jik see bau jar chong jee haai been do jo gar? 个即时爆炸装置喺边度造嫁?
Play Button Where was the IED stored prior to emplacement? Play Button gor jik see bau jar chong jee on fong jee chin sout maai haai been do ah? 个即时爆炸装置安放之前收埋喺边度呀?
Play Button Is there a second or backup detonator? Play Button yau mo ling yat gor wak jair hou bay geh yun bau hay ah? 有冇另一个或者后备嘅引爆器呀?
Play Button Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? Play Button yau mo chee yiu geh chong jee haai yung lay gung gik gout wun yan yuen gar? 有冇次要嘅装置係用黎攻击救援人员嫁?
Play Button Who is the target of this IED? Play Button ley gor jik see bau jar chong jee geh muk bio haai been gor? 呢个即时爆炸装置嘅目标係边个?
Play Button What else can you tell me about the IED or the individuals involved? Play Button lay chung yau mut gwan yu gor jik see bau jar chong jee wah jair dee yau fun charm yu geh yan geh yeh wah bay ngah teng ah? 你重有乜关于个即时爆炸装置或者啲有份參与嘅人嘅嘢话比我听呀?
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