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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button goh szi la dzong wooChee? keo jeen yoo doh taay? 这是哪种武器?口径有多大?
Play Button Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? Play Button goh szi boo szi yi goh Sheeyong poo Chong hoe foh jen toong yi yong keo yi dzi je fa sa gaa wooChee? 这是不是一个像步枪或火箭筒一样可以直接发射的武器?
Play Button Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? Play Button goh szi boo szi yi goh Sheeyong pe jee pao hoe taay pao yi yong boo len dzi je fa sa gaa wooChee? 这是不是一个像迫击炮或大炮一样不能直接发射的武器?
Play Button Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? Play Button gay dzaa wooChee szi fon dzay san goh ga song gaa maa? 这个武器是放在三脚架上的吗?
Play Button How many personnel operated this specific weapon? Play Button doh so lin yen yoong goh gay dzaa wooChee? 多少人员用过这个武器?
Play Button Where and when did you see this weapon? Play Button nen dzay shi lee szi ghon shi lee tee fon jeeyn goh gay dzaa wooChee? 你在什么时候什么地方见过这个武器?
Play Button What was the approximate size of the projectile? Play Button je gaa sa tahn taay kaay yoo doh taay? 它的射弹大约有多大?
Play Button Has the weapon been modified in any way? Play Button gay dzaa wooChee dzay lin ho fon meeyn yoo bee guy jeen goh maa? 这个武器在任何方面有被改进过吗?
Play Button How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy in training) Play Button dzu yuan fa sa gaa dzaa wooChee yoo doh dzun goh? 组员发射这个武器有多准确?
Play Button Was the crew accurate? Play Button dzu yuan fa sa dzun kao maa? 组员发射准确吗?
Play Button How was the crew trained? Play Button dzu yuan Shun leeyn de loo ho? 组员训练得如何?
Play Button What identifying marks were on the weapon? Play Button wooChee song yoo shi lee beeyo se? 武器上有什么标识?
Play Button How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? Play Button gay dzaa wooChee ee doh kwaay gaa soo doo fa sa? may fen dzong doh so fa dzi tahn 这武器以多快的速度发射?每分钟多少发子弹?
Play Button Did the crew perform barrel changes? Play Button dzu yuan yoo mao yoo dzen si ghen wen Chong gwen? 组员有没有展示更换枪管?
Play Button Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? Play Button Chong doee yoo mao yoo so yin jee hoe wahn yen jahng? 枪队有没有收音机或望远镜?
Play Button What else can you tell me about this weapon system? Play Button gwon yu gay dzaa wooChee Shee toong nen haay yoo se maa koh ee gao soo ngo? 关于这个武器系统你还有什么可以告诉我?
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