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Play Button What is the type and name of the vehicle? Play Button gay leung tsa szi shi lee Sheen how ho meeyaang dzi gaa? 这辆车是什么型号和名字的?
Play Button What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? Play Button ga dzay tsaa song gaa wooChee szi shi lee Sheen how gaa? 架在车上的武器是什么型号的?
Play Button Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? Play Button nen dzui ho yi tzi tsaay shi lee szi ghon shi lee tee fon khun dao goh gay leung tsaa? 你最后一次在什么时候什么地方看到过这辆车?
Play Button Where is the vehicle stored? Play Button tsaa tsun fon dzay la lee? 车存放在哪里?
Play Button Is this vehicle military or civilian? Play Button goh szi juen tsaa haay szi min yoong tsaa? 这是军车还是民用车?
Play Button What changes have been made to the vehicle? Play Button gay leung tsaa dzu leeyo shi lee sheeyou guy? 这辆车作了什么改修?
Play Button Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? Play Button gay leung tsaa si yoong luan dzi haay szi lee taay? 这辆车使用轮子还是履带?
Play Button Does the vehicle have a communications system? Play Button gay leung tsaa song yoo mao yoo toong Shun Shee toong? 这辆车上有没有通讯系统?
Play Button Describe the vehicle to me. Play Button ghen nog Sheen yoon yi haa gay leung tsaa 给我形容一下这辆车.
Play Button What else can you tell me about this vehicle? Play Button gwon yu gay leung tsaa nen haay yoo si lee koh ee gao soo ngo? 关于这辆车你还有什么可以告诉我?
Play Button How many crew members operated this vehicle? Play Button yoo doh so dzu yuan tsao dzo gay leung tsaa? 有多少组员操作这辆车?
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