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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button hatyaaR keRey kaleebaR eyn kism jaa aahin? هٿيار ڪهڙي ڪئليبر ۽ قسم جا آهن؟
Play Button How large was the rifle? Play Button Raayfil ketRee digee hwee? رائفل ڪيتري ڊگهي هئي؟
Play Button Did the rifle have a scope? Play Button chaa Raayfil key dooRbenee lagal aahey? ڇا رائفل کي دوربين لڳل آهي؟
Play Button Was any part of the weapon made of wood? Play Button chaa hatyaaR jo ko hiso kaatijo tayal ho? ڇا هٿيار جو ڪوحصو ڪاٺ جو ٺهيل هو؟
Play Button Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded? How large was the magazine? Play Button chaa Raayfil jo hiso jo kuley key chwey to, veRey sagbo? ڇا ريفل جو حصو، جو ڪلهي کي ڇهي ٿو، ويڙهي سگھبو؟
Play Button How large was the magazine? Play Button megzeen ketRee vadee hwee? مئگزين ڪيتري وڏي هئي؟
Play Button Was other equipment added to the weapon? Play Button chaa byo ko aalo hina hatyaaR saa joRyo vyo ho? ڇا ٻيو ڪو آلو هن هٿيار سان جوڙيو ويو هو؟
Play Button What other equipment was near the weapon? Play Button byo keRo ozaaR hina hatyaaR jey veyjo ho? ٻيو ڪهڙو اوزار هن هٿيار جي ويجهو هو؟
Play Button What was the size of the pistol? Play Button pistol jee maap ketRee hwee? پسٽول جي ماپ ڪيتري هئي؟
Play Button Where was the pistol carried? Play Button pistol kidaa kanyo pey vyo? پسٽول ڪيڏانهن کنيو پئي ويو؟
Play Button What special equipment was added to the pistol? Play Button pistol saa byo keRo Khaas ozaaR gandyo vyo ho? پسٽول سان ٻيو ڪهڙو خاص اوزار ڳنڍيو ويو هو؟
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