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Play Button What is the type and name of the vehicle? Play Button gaadee jo naalo eyn kism keRo aahey? گاڏي جو نالو ۽ قسم ڪهڙو آهي؟
Play Button What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? Play Button gaadee tey keRey kism jaa hatyaaR Rakyal hooyaa? گاڏي تي ڪهڙي قسم جا هٿيار رکيل هئا؟
Play Button Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? Play Button hina gaadee key kitey eyn kada tavaa dito? هن گاڏي کي ڪٿي ۽ ڪڏهن توهان ڏٺو؟
Play Button Where is the vehicle stored? Play Button gaadee key kitey istoR kayo veendo aahey? گاڏي کي ڪٿي اسٽور ڪيو ويندو آهي؟
Play Button Is this vehicle military or civilian? Play Button chaa hee fojee gaadee aahey yaa aam? ڇا هيءَ فوجي گاڏي آهي يا عام؟
Play Button What changes have been made to the vehicle? Play Button hina gaadee mey keRyoo tabdeelyoo kayoo vyoo aahin? هن گاڏي ۾ ڪهڙيون تبديليون ڪيون ويون آهن؟
Play Button Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? Play Button chaa hina gaadee mey peetaa aahin yaa tRak patey? چا هن گاڏي ۾ ڦيٿا آهن يا ٽرئڪ پٽي؟
Play Button Does the vehicle have a communications system? Play Button chaa hina gaadee mey Raabtey jo ko nizaam aahey? ڇا هن گاڏي ۾ رابطي جو ڪو نظام آهي؟
Play Button Describe the vehicle to me. Play Button gaadee jo moosaa taaRuf kaRaayo گاڏي ءَجو منسان تعارف ڪرايو.
Play Button What else can you tell me about this vehicle? Play Button tawhaa hina gaadee mootalik byo chaa taa bud-haay sago? توهان هن گاڏيءَ متعلق ٻيو ڇا ٿا ٻڌائي سگهو؟
Play Button How many crew members operated this vehicle? Play Button keytRan ahilkaaR hina gaadee key halaayo pey? ڪيترن اهلڪار هن گاڏي کي هلائيو پئي؟
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