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Play Button What is the type and name of the boat? Play Button beyRee keRey kism jee aahey eyn jo naalo chaa aahey? ٻيڙي ڪهڙي قسم جي آهي ۽ ان جو نالو ڇا آهي؟
Play Button What weapons are mounted on the boat? Play Button beyRee tey keRey kism jaa hatyaaR nasb kayaa vyaa aahin? ٻيڙي تي ڪهڙي قسم جا هٿيار نسب ڪيا ويا آهن؟
Play Button Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? Play Button chaa hee beyRee fojee yaa aam kampanee taahee aahey? ڇا هي ٻيڙي فوجي يا عامي ڪمپني ٺاهي آهي؟
Play Button Does this boat belong to the military? Play Button chaa hee beyRee foji jee aahey? ڇا هيءَ ٻيڙي فوج جي آهي؟
Play Button What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? Play Button beyRee tey shanaaKht laay keRey kism joo nishaanyoo huyoo? hatyaaR? ozaaR? ٻيڙي تي شناخت لاءِ ڪهڙي قسم جون نشانيون هيون؟ هٿيار؟ اوزار؟
Play Button Is there a communication mast on the boat? Play Button beyRee tey Raabtey jo ko aalo lagal aahey? ٻيڙي تي رابطي جو ڪو آلو لڳل آهي؟
Play Button Where and when did you last observe this boat? Play Button tawhaa aaKhRee dafo kada eyn kitey hina beyRee key dito? توهان آخري دفعو ڪڏهن ۽ ڪٿي هن ٻيڙي کي ڏٺو؟
Play Button Did another boat support and protect this boat? Play Button chaa kahin bee beyRee hina beyRee jee madad yaa hifaazat key pey? ڇا ڪنهن ٻي ٻيڙيءَ هن ٻيڙي جي مدد يا حفاظت ڪئي پئي؟
Play Button Did the boat have a flat or round bottom? Play Button chaa hina beyRee jo taRo sido aahey yaa gol? ڇا هن ٻيڙي جو ترو سڌو آهي يا گول؟
Play Button Where is the vehicle stored? Play Button gaadee kitey Rakyal aahey? گاڏي ڪٿي رکيل آهي؟
Play Button Are there any armored or reinforced parts on the boat? Play Button chaa hina beyRee tey key aarmd yaa mazboot keyl hisaa lagal aahin? ڇا هن ٻيڙي تي ڪي آرمرڊ يا مظبوط ڪيل حصا لڳل آهن؟
Play Button What else can you tell me about this boat? Play Button hina beyRee mootalik tawhaa moonkey vadeek chaa taa bud-haay sago? هن ٻيڙي متعلق توهان مونکي وڌيڪ ڇا ٿا ٻڌائي سگهي؟
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