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Play Button Where and when did you observe the IED? Play Button tawhaa hina aay-ee-dee key kada eyn kitey dito? توهان هن آءِ اي ڊي کي ڪڏهن ۽ ڪٿي ڏٺو؟
Play Button Who emplaced the IED? Play Button aay-ee-dee kahin keyn nasab kayo? آءِ اي ڊي کي ڪنهن نسب ڪيو؟
Play Button How is the IED detonated? Play Button aay-ee-dee kyen tee paatey? آءِ اي ڊي ڪيئن ٿي ڦاٽي؟
Play Button What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? Play Button hina damaakyedaaR aaley mey keRey kism jo aslo isteymaal kayo veendo aahey? هن ڌماڪيدار آلي ۾ ڪهڙي قسم جو اسلحو استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي؟
Play Button Is this IED located in a vehicle? Play Button chaa hee aay-ee-dee gaadee mey nasab tyal aahey? ڇا هي آءِ اي ڊي گاڏيءَ ۾ نسب ٿيل آهي؟
Play Button Where is the owner of this vehicle? Play Button hina gaadee jo maalik kitey aahey? هن گاڏيءَ جو مالڪ ڪٿي آهي؟
Play Button Who made the IED? Play Button aay-ee-dee kahin taayo? آءِ اي ڊي ڪنهن ٺاهيو؟
Play Button Where was the IED built? Play Button aay-ee-dee kitey taayo vyo? آءِ اي ڊي ڪٿي ٺاهيو ويو؟
Play Button Where was the IED stored prior to emplacement? Play Button nasab keRarn kaa peRyaa aay-ee-dee kitey Rakyal hwee? نسب ڪرڻ کان پهريان آءِ اي ڊي ڪٿي رکيل هئي؟
Play Button Is there a second or backup detonator? Play Button chaa byo ko yaa mutabaadil paaReendaR ozaaR aahey? ڇا ٻيو ڪو يا متبادل ڦاڙيندڙ اوزار آهي؟
Play Button Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? Play Button chaa byo ko ozaaR aahey jey saa madadee eyn bachaao kandaR kaaRindan tey hamlo kajey? ڇا ٻيو ڪو اوزار آهي جنهن سان مددي ۽ بچاءُ ڪندڙ ڪارندن تي حملو ڪجي؟
Play Button Who is the target of this IED? Play Button aay-ee-dee jo nishaanoo keyR aahey? آءِ اي ڊي جو نشانو ڪير آهي؟
Play Button What else can you tell me about the IED or the individuals involved? Play Button tawhaa aay-ee-dee yaa laagaapil maarnhun baaRey mey byo chaa taa bud-haay sago? توهان آءِ اي ڊي يا لاڳاپيل ماڻهن باري ۾ ٻيو ڇا ٿا ٻڌائي سگھو؟
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