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Play Button Where and when did you observe the improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button goRmey eeyo Hagey koo aRagtey meenadaas? goormee iyo xagee ku aragtay miinadaas?
Play Button Who emplaced the improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button yaa Rakeebaay meenadaas? yaa rakibay miinadaas?
Play Button How is the improvised explosive device (IED) detonated? Play Button yaa qaRHeenaaya meenada? yaa qarxinaaya miinada?
Play Button What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? Play Button hub no'ey ah aayaa laaga sameyey meenadaas? hub noocee ah ayaa laga sameeyay miinadaas?
Play Button Is this improvised explosive device (IED) located in a vehicle? Play Button meenadaas maa waHaa laa so saaRey baabooR? miinadaas ma waxaa la soo saaray baabuur?
Play Button Where is the owner of this vehicle? Play Button yaa eeska leh baabooRkaa? yaa iska leh baabuurka?
Play Button Who made the improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button yaa sameyey meenada? yaa sameeyay miinada?
Play Button Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) built? Play Button Hagey lagoo saameyey meenada? xagee lagu sameeyey miinada?
Play Button Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) stored prior to emplacement? Play Button Hagey lagoo hayaa meenada intee kaa hoReysey inta aan laa qaRHin? xagee lagu hayaa miinada intii ka horaysay inta aan la qarxin?
Play Button Is there a second or backup detonator? Play Button maa leydahaay qaRHeeyo labaad aamaa qaRHeeye keyd ah? ma leedahay qarxiyo labaad ama qarxiye kayd ah?
Play Button Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? Play Button maa cheeRaa shey kaley o lagoo qaRHinaayo shaqaalaha guRmadka ah baabooRtoda? ma jiraa shey kale oo lagu qarxinayo shaqalaha gurmadka ah baabuurtooda?
Play Button Who is the target of this improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button yaa lagoo qaRHinayaa meenadaas? yaa lagu qarxinayaa miinadaas?
Play Button What else can you tell me about the improvised explosive device (IED) or the individuals involved? Play Button maHaad kaley o aad eega sheygee kaRtaa meenadaas eeyo shaKhsiyadka koo loogtaa leh? maxaad kale oo aad iiga sheegi kartaa miinadaas iyo shaqsiyaadka ku lugta leh?
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