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Play Button What is the caliber and type of the weapon? Play Button yaraghing gErnUshi we kalibri naame? Ýaragyň görnüşi we kalibri näme?
Play Button Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? Play Button ol tUpeng yada baazuka yaly chenaap atilyan yaraghmi? Ol tüpeň ýa-da bazuka ýaly çenäp atylýan ýaragmy?
Play Button Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? Play Button ol minomyot yada top yali cheenaap atylmayan yaraghmi? Ol minomýot ýa-da top ýaly çenäp atylmaýan ýaragmy?
Play Button Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? Play Button yaragh shtativa dikilendimi? Ýarag ştatiwa dikilendimi?
Play Button How many personnel operated this specific weapon? Play Button bu yaraghi naache adam bolup atdilar? Bu ýaragy näçe adam bolup atdylar?
Play Button Where and when did you see this weapon? Play Button thiZ shu yaraghi nirede we hachan gErdUngiZ? Siz şu ýaragy nirede we haçan gördüňiz?
Play Button What was the approximate size of the projectile? Play Button top okuning takminan ululighi nachedi? Top okunyň takmynan ululygy näçedi?
Play Button Has the weapon been modified in any way? Play Button yaragh Utgedilipdirmi? Ýarag üýtgedilipdirmi?
Play Button How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy in training) Play Button yaraghi ulanyan topar uthatlardimi? (tUrgenleshik takiklighi) Ýaragy ulanýan topar ussatlardymy? (türgenleşik takyklygy)
Play Button Was the crew accurate? Play Button atyanchilar nishana deghdilermi? Atýançylar nyşana degdilermi?
Play Button How was the crew trained? Play Button topar naahili tUrgenleshipdir? Topar nähili türgenleşipdir?
Play Button What identifying marks were on the weapon? Play Button tUpengde Utgeshik belgiler bardimi? Tüpeňde üýtgeşik belgiler bardymy?
Play Button How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? Play Button tUpeng naahili tiZlik bilen atyar? bir minutda naache ok atyar? Tüpeň nähili tizlik bilen atýar? Bir minutda näçe ok atýar?
Play Button Did the crew perform barrel changes? Play Button topar tUpenging nilini chalishdimi? Topar tüpeňiň nilini çalyşdymy?
Play Button Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? Play Button toparing rathiyathi yada dUrbithi bardimi? Toparyň rasiýasy ýa-da dürbisi bardymy?
Play Button What else can you tell me about this weapon system? Play Button bu tUpeng barada bashgha naame aydip bilerthingiZ? Bu tüpeň barada başga näme aýdyp bilersiňiz?
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