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Play Button What groups in this area are threats to US Forces? Play Button awoH eh Beh wo nee aBeBe yee nee o jeh ee woo fU awoH o mo o gU aamee ree ka? Àwọn ẹgbẹ́ wo ní agbègbè yì í ni ó jẹ́ ewu fún àwọn ọmọ ogun Amẹ́ríkà?
Play Button Is this shop normally open in the morning? At what times? Play Button shay sho boo yee maan shee nee aa roo? nee Ba wo? Ṣé ṣọ́ọ̀bù yì í má a n ṣí ní àárọ̀? Nígbà wo?
Play Button Is this shop normally open in the afternoon? At what times? Play Button shay sho boo yee maan shee nee o saH? nee Ba wo? Ṣé ṣọ́ọ̀bù yì í má a n ṣí ní ọ̀sán? Nígbà wo?
Play Button Is this shop normally open in the evening? At what times? Play Button shay sho boo yee maan shee nee aa leh? nee Ba wo? Ṣé ṣọ́ọ̀bù yì í má a n ṣí ní alẹ́? Nígbà wo?
Play Button Is this vehicle normally located here at this time of day? Play Button shay oo ko yee maan waa nee bee nee aa ko ko yee? Ṣé ọkọ̀ yì í má a n wà níbí ní àkokò yì í?
Play Button Where is the owner of this vehicle? Play Button eh nee tee o nee oo ko yee daa? Ẹni tí ó ni ọkọ̀ yì í dà?
Play Button Move the vehicle. Play Button Beh oo ko no koo roo Gbé ọkọ̀ ná à kúrò
Play Button Who are those people over there? Play Button awoH ee nee yaH wo nee o waa lo hu yeh? Àwọn ènìyàn wo ní ó wà l'ọ̀hún yẹn?
Play Button Who owns this business? Play Button taa nee o nee o wo yee? Tani ó ni òwò yì í?
Play Button Move that object off the road. Play Button Beh kee nee yeh koo roo lo no Gbé kiní yẹn kúrò l'ọ́nà
Play Button Who lives in that home? Play Button taa nee o ohn Beh nee lay yeh? Tani ó n gbé n'ílé yẹn?
Play Button How far away is this town? Play Button baa wo nee ee loo no shay jee no to? Báwo ni ìlú ná à ṣe jìnà tó?
Play Button Where can I find the local ___? Play Button ee bo nee aa tee lay ree ___ ee bee leh? Ibo ni a ti lè rí ___ ìbílẹ̀?
Play Button Where is the sewer access? Play Button ee bo nee o ree sU soo ka way waa? Ibo ni orísun sọ́kàweè wà?
Play Button Who owns weapons in this area? Play Button taa nee o nee awoH ohn ee jaa aBeBe yee? Tani ó ni àwọn ohun ìjà agbègbè yì í?
Play Button These are secured areas. Play Button awoH ee bee yee nee ee daa bo bo Àwọn ibí yì í ní ìdábòbò
Play Button This is a blocked area. Play Button woH tee dee ee bee yee Nwọ́n ti dí ibí yì í
Play Button This area is off limits. Play Button eh nee ka ka ko Bo doo day ee bee yee Ẹni kankan kò gbọ́dọ̀ dé ibí yì í
Play Button The barriers will prevent any attacks. Play Button awoH ohn ko tee a fee dee o no yee aa daa eh woo doo roo Àwọn nkan tí a fi dí ọ̀nà yì í à dá éwu dúró
Play Button Don't move. Play Button gaH see beh Gan sí 'bẹ́
Play Button Move fast! Play Button tay tay maa loo! Tètè má a lọ!
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